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Mees Borgman
Terug naar Zotteken Waes
Lobke de Boer
Terug naar Zotteken Waes (Back to Zotteken Waes) is the graduation work of director Lobke de Boer. In the film Mattis is returning to his hometown to collect the inheritance of his father, the known and feared criminal Nicolas. His father is willing to give him the money on one important condition.
Directed by: Lobke de Boer
With: Ward Kerremans, Sam Louwyck, Gert Portael, Mattias van de Vijver, Herwig Ilegems, Geert van den Broeck, Alejandra Theus, Mees Borgman, Eliano Etehemi, Wonder Lebacq, Guus Willems, Tom Ternest
Shown at: Eye Film museum and on NPO television.
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